PEAKS Studio 8.5 – New Features (August 17th)

With the brand new release of PEAKS Studio 8.5, this webinar will address many of the latest features added to the software.

Some of the most significant changes include:

  • Redesigned SILAC interface along with improved accuracy and sensitivity by enhanced SILAC pair feature detection and alignment
  • Improved label-free quantification by enabling exclusion of:
    1.      1. Peptides with both modified and unmodified forms
    2.      2. Redundant peptides
  • Enhanced PTM profiling: enabled in both identification and quantification results, multi-sample PTM comparison, normalization by protein expression, PTM site clustering, and mirror display
  • Global comparative view: sample specific semi-quantitative information such as MS1 peptide feature area and spectral counts
  • Enabled EThcD data analysis capacity

Register (10am EST/1600h CEST) or Register (4pm EST/1pm PST)